Moving Forward

Perspective is a great thing, the ability to look back and make changes that benefit your future is something that everyone wishes for. However, it’s a tough thing to realize as human nature drives you to consider what happened and what you wish you could have changed to make it different at that time.

I learned the concept of perspective from my father several years back.  When faced with news about a terrible illness he was able to quickly concentrate on the next steps and not dwell on what he could have done differently to change the outcome that he currently faced.  He confidently told everyone that listened that “this is where he is at and that he will move forward from here.”   My Father’s lasting message was realize that you learn from our past, but live in the now and move always forward to the future.

Professionally, we all face challenges and issues that we can learn from.  In my day to day, I get perspective by learning what worked and what didn’t on any given effort of myself and my clients.  We make and learn from our mistakes, we move forward.  Thanks Pop for giving me the perspective to move forward!